Thursday, January 27, 2011


Author's note: I'm pretty sure that no one actually reads this thing anymore, but I thought that I'd update it simply because I feel that I need to do a better job at documenting things that are going on around here. Other friends of mine have blogs and I'm so envious at their super great posts and their little adoption time lines running along the side! Readers of this blog will get neither super great nor timelines, but I think that's okay!

Lately, I've been struggling with the lack of happening in our adoption. In November (11.17.10) we received a call from our agency stating that we were matched with the sweetest little guy. Our prayers had been answered. I kept telling Wayne that I'd feel better and that it'd be easier for me to wait once we'd know for sure if we were able to adopt him or not. NOT. TRUE. The fact is that it's been excruciating at times. Two weeks ago he turned 3 years old. So, on bad days I think about the fact that my child was 8,000 miles away from me. He doesn't know any different, but I do. That kind of waiting is hard. Not to say I'm the only one that has ever felt this way before or had to deal with it...but it still is yucky sometimes. We are also waiting on our home study to be sent to us so that we can start waiting on other things to get finished. God is using this down time to really draw me closer to Him and that's time well spent.



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