Friday, October 2, 2009

I've got it all...

On Wednesday, the day before my birthday, Wayne had put an away message on his blackberry and we spent the day together. Alone. Without children. Most importantly, without his laptop. Shocking, I know. That meant more than any gift he would've wrapped up and given me. The entire day he kept asking me what I wanted and telling me that I had an unlimited spending amount for four hours, etc. Planned the whole thing, squirreled money away without my knowledge, executed said plan-except for one thing. I couldn't think of one thing that I wanted/needed/didn't have already. I thought about how the old me and her prattling off a list of brand name needs and the verse about Christ giving you the desires of your heart kept running through my mind. I stay at home with two beautiful children that call me Momma, I cook in and clean a big, new house that we prayed about for a year and that sat empty for two before our purchasing it. I drive a nice car and have places to go and friends to visit in it, and, here's the most important one: I hold the hand of a man who loved me enough to give church a try, who lays down beside me each night and laughs with me, who lays his hands on me as he prays for our children, our family and our friends, the man that God intended him to be for our family. What more could I really want in life?



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