Tuesday, January 10, 2012

God says YES to His promises...

The lyrics to the song "Yes" by John Waller have been bouncing around in my head for quite sometime now. I would remind myself of the chorus to this song when I started stressing and questioning God's timing in our adoption.

Last month on December 9 I was subbing for my friend and I received a call from Wayne telling me that a report that we needed had been completed. This was we walked through a pretty rough season of learning to wait and trust in God and His plan for *all* of us. It didn't help that it felt like the LONGEST wait ever!!

Today we received an email telling us that the final piece of paperwork needed in order for us to be submitted for a court date was also completed. Wayne and I didn't waste any time getting our documents notarized and sent back to Uganda!!!

In the midst of running around, printing out multiple copies of our documents, calling our friends who have been walking through this adventure beside us and rejoicing in such sweet unexpected news it occurred to me that we will be traveling soon, the bedroom upstairs that has been ready and empty for months will belong to a little boy soon, and our family will finally be complete soon.

Thursday our sweet little guy will be turning four. I was dreading this week for quite some time. I thought that I would be busily planning his fourth birthday and never dreamed that we would have yet to meet him. Despite the ache in my heart over missing yet another milestone in his life I am encouraged that we will be united soon.


Tracy said... [Reply to comment]

I am so happy for you guys! It's a birthday present for all of you! Love you!


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