Two posts in one day. A record for me! Today I was scouring Pinterest in order to plan for Emilia's first school friends playdate type of thing in which we will be doing Valentine's Day crafts and other girly goodness that I may dream up between now and then. Apparently while I was doing that sweet Emilia was making her own Valentine. For her brother.
I saw this sitting on the dining room table the entire evening:
It made me so happy to see that despite their what seems to me constant bickering there are still random acts of love between them. So, this sat on the table all evening and she hadn't handed it to him since he'd gotten home. My curiosity got the better of me and I had to look inside and see what she wrote to him. And this is what I found:
Peyton noticed that his name was on the front and came over to look at what had caused me to be laughing hysterically. Despite the theme of this valentine I love this girl's attention to detail. The dark, ominous sky; the way the blood is ripping through the neat circle which was once my baby boy; the choppy ocean water; all of the fins circling the same way (except for that one that's going the wrong way). My favorite touch is the one shark fin is saying "I'm eating you." You know, in case one was unable to figure out what was going on here. This is a girl after my own heart...with the details, that is.
So, this is parenting. Some days they're hugging it out and other days they're throwing you to the sharks!
Yes, she's the perfect sister! I would have done the same thing:) That's actually love! Does it get filed under the "save for Peyton's wedding day file?!"