Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It's L-O-V-E

I'm sitting in the waiting room of same day surgery waiting to hear that my mom is finished (she's fine) and I'm trying to write the last paper of the semester on universal preschool. I've got my resources lined up and ready, my name's on my paper and that's as good as it gets. Did I mention it's due Friday?

My thoughts are wandering around Christmas presents left to buy, things that need wrapped, baked, made or cleaned. And love.

Love is these two turkeys:
Writing this paper has also become difficult because I'm captured by the 87 year old man who's also been waiting for his wife to finish her testing. Speaking loudly, like older men do, he's telling the man beside him that she's taken care of him for sixty years. She's back now, he's stroking her hair, fussing with the blanket covering her frail legs, holding her hands. That's love. I'm blessed because I know I've got that same kind of love with him.

I'm thankful for early morning snuggle sessions with my boy who has been constantly reminding me that he'll be ten in a mere 18 days. The past ten years of his life have flown by so quickly which makes me hold on a little tighter.

I'm blessed by this crazy little girl that I'm happy to call mine. She makes me laugh on a daily basis. Yesterday she was all into learning the heritages of our family for a school project and asked in all sincerity if "all of our family are African Americans, or was it just us?" I love her innocence. And for these little reminders that I'm loved:

It's L-O-V-E

How can I yell it her for using my phone when she leaves little surprises for me like this? :)


Nothingcanseperate said... [Reply to comment]

Aww I love this. All of it. :)


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