Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Love, actually :)

"I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest."
~Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing
I LOVE my husband. I also love literature and sappy love quotes. I really love leaving them on his Facebook page despite the fact that he rarely uses Facebook. He gets an email notification and he has an Outlook folder dedicated to the messages declaring that yet another post (by me) has been made on his wall. It may sound geeky, but when I saw that folder on his laptop one evening, it made me swoon. Really.
I love this quote from MAAN as Beatrice declares her love for Benedick. I get excited when I stumble upon new quotes while reading. I dog-ear the pages and draw hearts in the margin and underline, circle and star words and lines until my heart's content! (You should see my copy of Wuthering Heights :)
This evening these few, simple words kept running through my mind at a funeral home-of all places! My FIL's sister had passed away and although Wayne and I didn't really know her we went as a show of support for his dad. I spent the evening sitting at one end of the room while Wayne stayed with his dad and cousins on another end. Anyway, at one point Wayne's dad quickly left the room and I saw that Wayne hadn't noticed. I spoke his name, "Wayne." not loud but in a normal volume level sure that he wouldn't hear me. Almost as quickly as I spoke he turned around and his gaze met mine. I looked at this man, my heart, who knew my voice in a crowded room full of people and just melted. I love big stuff that he does, but this little stuff, something as simple as the act of turning around at the sound of my voice just puts me over the edge somedays.
I know he lurks on here sometimes, and if you're reading this:
I love YOU, U.W.P with so much of my heart that none is left to protest.
Beatrice and I, we have it pretty bad.


Nothingcanseperate said... [Reply to comment]

sweet :D


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