Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Voicemail: 1.7.10

The following is a voicemail message that I received that just made me laugh so hard I had to write it down:

"Mrs. Porter, this is the Nurse X at local elementary school goes here. I wanted to call you in case I didn't see you this afternoon for pick up. Peyton was in the health room today. It seems that he stabbed himself in the hand with his pencil. I cleaned it out really well, but I think it just looks bad. Okay, well, have a great day if you have any questions call me."

My children bring me joy without even knowing that they're doing so. I wasn't happy that his little hand had been hurt, but for some reason this message just made my day. I can picture him in class bouncing his pencil on his desk before impaling himself with it. I can picture the dramatics that ensued before he was ushered to the nurse. I just love that kid!


Jess & Ian said... [Reply to comment]

That's funny, I actually stabbed myself with a pencil when I was in second grade...I still have the lead mark in my hand.
I also love that we have the capability to talk to people around the globe, people we have never met but that are doing the same things we are. I do not have twitter but I have a facebook page.


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